Set up your Business in Dubai & the UAE

Time to take the leap!

Company Formation & Visa made simple.

Incorporate in UAE in Mainland & Freezones

Your One-Stop Shop for Company Setup

Stepping into Dubai's business world? We help you navigating through Free Zone advantages, handling the registration process, Real Estate & much more. Our expert advice sets the course for your business success.

Business License & Visa

Expanding into the UAE? We’re your gateway to a thriving presence in the UAE. Through our trusted partner network we help you find the right accommodation, office or real estate investment opportunity.

Real Estate

Need a lawyer, accountant, or tax advisor? We’re happy to connect you with our partner network. They are some of the best minds in the industry, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence.

Legal & Finance

Cost Calculator

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Entrepreneurs in the UAE?


  • The time frame for setting up a business in Dubai can vary depending on several factors, including the type of business, chosen Free Zone, and the speed of document processing. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to establish a business in Dubai. This includes obtaining the necessary licenses and completing all the required legal formalities.

  • The UAE offers significant tax advantages, including no personal income tax and, in most cases, no corporate tax. This is particularly beneficial in the Free Zones.

    Additionally the UAE has a growing and affluent consumer market, with high demand for various goods and services, both locally and regionally.

  • As for the costs, they can vary significantly based on the nature of your business, the location, and the specific requirements like office space, number of visas, and type of license needed. Given the variety of factors that can influence the cost, it's best to get a tailored estimate for your specific business needs. For a detailed and personalized cost breakdown, feel free to contact us at We can provide you with a comprehensive overview of the expenses you can expect for setting up your business in the UAE.

  • Dubai's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it an ideal hub for international business. It provides easy access to numerous global markets, making it a key gateway for trade and commerce.